This Month’s Features
The appropriate use of personal protective equipment is integral to the safe provision of oral health care services.
Jonathan H. Do, DDS, shares his perspective on surgical approaches and patient selection criteria for this approach to treating gingival recession.
Nitrous Oxide delivery is an important facet of pain management during dental procedures.
Improve Your Ultrasonic Technique
Many factors contribute to a clinician's ability to effectively remove calculus and help patients achieve optimal oral health.
Targeting Treatment to Patient Needs
Precision dentistry and medicine are set to transform clinical approaches to personalized care.
Continuing Education
Successful Strategies for Periodontal Debridement
The majority of periodontal patients can retain their dentition with appropriate treatment, effective plaque control, and regular maintenance.
Managing Patients With Critical Cardiac Conditions
As this effective preventive tool is widely used, oral health professionals need to remain up-to-date regarding product innovations and the most current evidence-based approaches.
HIV Testing in the Dental Setting
Oral health professionals are well positioned to identify the early stages of human immunodeficiency virus infection.
Use of Fluoride Varnish in Caries Prevention
As this effective preventive tool is widely used, oral health professionals need to remain up-to-date regarding product innovations and the most current evidence-based approaches.
Editor’s Note
Over the past few months, it seems there has been a new disaster weekly, if not daily.
Ask the Expert
Pharmacotherapy in Patients With Heart Disease
Heart disease is the leading killer of both men and women, so assessment of current cardiac status and risk factors for heart disease are essential during the health history review.
Products and Services
A listing of featured products.
This informative table provides information on some of the dentifrices currently available in the United States.
Newsline + Industry Info
UCSF School of Dentistry to Welcome Young Faculty Member
Ivy Zellmer, RDH, MS—a recent graduate of the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Master of Science in Dental Hygiene Program—will be one of the youngest members to join the UCSF School of Dentistry faculty once her appointment as assistant professor is finalized.
NYU School of Dentistry Receives Grant to Study School-Based Caries Prevention
The New York University College of Dentistry (NYU Dentistry) has received a $13.3 million award from the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) to study caries prevention, quality of life, and school performance.
More Practice Settings Allowed in State of Pennsylvania
Public health dental hygienists in Pennsylvania will be allowed to practice in a larger number of settings.
Continuing Education on Periodontal Debridement
The final installment of the continuing education (CE) series discusses the importance of periodontal debridement and provides strategies for effective use of this technique.
Dental Product Company Updates its Brand
Premier Dental Products Co in Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania—a provider of innovative dental products—has implemented a campaign to evolve the company and its brand.
Power Toothbrushes Receive ADA Seal of Approval
The five series of the Oral-B Oscillating-Rotating-Pulsating Power Toothbrush recently received the American Dental Association (ADA) Seal of Acceptance.
Fluoride Varnish is Explored in New CE Article
Fluoride varnish application is a key element of the caries-prevention armamentarium and dental hygienists need to remain up to date on its usage.