This Month’s Features
Guest Editorial: Remembering Trailblazer Esther M. Wilkins, BS, RDH, DMD
One year after the passing of this dental hygiene icon, we remember her life contributions, and her enduring impact upon the profession.
What the Future Holds For Periodontal Treatment
Although today’s periodontal treatment has experienced significant advancement, even more promising therapies are on the horizon.
While the decision to remove third molars without the presence of pathology has become controversial, this case study illustrates the risks of leaving them intact.
Ensure Safe Practice While Volunteering
Strategies for maintaining proper infection control when providing care in nontraditional settings.
Dimensions of Dental Hygiene, with the support of Hu-Friedy, honors the accomplishments of dental hygienists and supports mentorship through an online platform.
Continuing Education
Update on Methods for Oral Biofilm Disruption
Regular personal and professional biofilm removal is key to preventing and treating oral infections.
Adverse Effects of Medication Use
As complications of medication use negatively impact oral comfort, function, and quality of life, clinicians should assess patients' drug regimens to determine oral health risks.
Oral health professionals play a crucial role in the early detection and post-therapy management of this disease.
Early Detection of Type 2 Diabetes In Children and Adolescents
Following are assessment techniques that are easily implemented into routine dental hygiene practice.
Editor’s Note
Create Ripples, Change Your World
Never underestimate the power you have to change the lives and health of your patients.
Ask the Expert
Does “Activated Charcoal” Effectively Whiten Teeth?
One of my patients asked me about using activated charcoal to whiten teeth. While I had not heard of this before, upon a Google search, it seems to be a popular approach to at-home bleaching. How should I advise my patients on this trend?
Products and Services
A listing of featured products.
Newsline + Industry Info
Newly Founded American Academy of Cariology: Eradicating Dental Caries in the United States
The American Academy of Cariology (AAC) is a non-profit organization formed with the vision to eradicate dental caries in the United States through the promotion of science-based disease management.