This Month’s Features
Strategies for Reducing Staining After Silver Diamine Fluoride Treatment
The use of potassium iodide, potassium fluoride, silver nitrate, and glass ionomer cement may mitigate the discoloration caused by SDF.
Calculus location, instrument selection, and indications for use are considerations for removal of these tenacious deposits.
Continuing Education
Medical Considerations for Safe Anesthesia Administration
The proper selection and administration of local anesthetic agents are key to safely addressing patients’ pain management needs.
Preventing Early Childhood Caries
Discover the multifaceted landscape of childhood dental caries, its causes, risk factors, and the crucial role of interprofessional collaboration in preventing and managing this prevalent condition among young children.
Modifying Oral Hygiene Techniques to Improve Oral Health
Helping patients with dementia and limited dexterity maintain their oral health is important to supporting overall health.
Enhancing Mandibular Block Anesthesia
Explore the intricacies of mandibular block anesthesia with a focus on three techniques — Conventional Technique, Vazirani-Akinosi, and Gow-Gates — that improve the provision of profound anesthesia.
Editor’s Note
Ask the Expert
Working in a Rear-Delivery System
I work in a rear-delivery system, which is causing side and back problems. Any suggestions how to do chair set up to prevent such issues?
Products and Services
Five things to consider when recommending high-concentration fluoride toothpaste.
Harnessing Oxygen Therapy for Effective Oral Hygiene
Discover how Gingi-Pak’s Perio Armor 1.7% hydrogen peroxide cleansing gel is transforming periodontal disease treatment through the use of oxygen therapy for improved patient outcomes.
Ensure the Safety and Comfort of Your Patients
DryShield isolation systems provide protection from harmful aerosols while saving time and money.
Newsline + Industry Info
New Baccalaureate Program Celebrates Graduates
Eastern International College (EIC), a private, for-profit college in Jersey City, New Jersey, opened a 3-year Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene (BSDH) Program in 2019. Recently the school celebrated its first graduating class of 58 dental hygienists. The curriculum encompasses 45 semester credits of general education and 78 semester credits of technical courses [...]