This Month’s Features
Oral health professionals need to remain up to date on infection control protocols related to TB transmission in order to best protect themselves and their patients.
Reduce Caries Risk With Fluoride Mouthrinse
Over-the-counter fluoride mouthrinse is an effective addition to caries prevention regimens.
Sex-Based Differences in Oral Health
Women and men have unique needs when it comes to the delivery of dental care and maintaining oral health.
The 9th Annual 6 Dental Hygienists You Want to Know
These dental hygienists represent the best of the best within the areas of academia, clinical practice, industry, “mover and shaker,” public health, and research.
Continuing Education
Strategies to Maintain Complex Implant Restorations
Understanding prosthetic design is essential to tailoring effective maintenance regimens for the prevention and treatment of peri-implant diseases.
Caring For Patients with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
Dental hygienists are well positioned to identify, treat, and refer patients who present with suspected or confirmed EDS signs and symptoms.
The Complexity Of Multiple Sclerosis
Patients with this neurodegenerative disorder need a customized dental care plan to maintain both oral and overall health.
Improving the Oral Health of Older Adults
As the ranks of older adults continue to grow, oral health professionals must adapt their clinical approaches to meet the needs of this patient population.
Editor’s Note
A Special Gift for Dental Hygiene
The year was 1916. World War I was raging across Europe.
Ask the Expert
Documentation Following Local Anesthesia Administration
Could you provide an example of appropriate documentation by a dental hygienist after the administration of local anesthesia?
Products and Services
A listing of featured products.
Newsline + Industry Info
NYU Professor Receives HRSA Grant
Courtney H. Chinn, DDS, MPH—director of the post-graduate program in pediatric dentistry at New York University College of Dentistry—is the recipient of a 5-year, $1.3 million award from the United States Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA).
Dimensions Board Member Receives Prestigious Gies Award
Pamela Zarkowski, BSDH, MPH, JD, is the recipient of the 2017 Gies Award for Achievement—Dental Educator.
ADHA Emphasizes The Critical Role of Dental Hygiene Diagnosis
The American Dental Hygienists' Association (ADHA) recently released a white paper that underscores the ability of dental hygienists to perform dental hygiene diagnosis—or "the identification of an individual's health behaviors, attitudes, and oral health care needs for which a dental hygienist is educationally qualified and licensed to provide