Reconnecting Practicing Hygienists with the Nation's Leading Educators and Researchers.


This Month’s Features

Capturing Radiographs Among Patients With Special Needs

Oral health professionals need to remain up-to-date on the types of radiographic exposures and size image receptors in order to be well-prepared to treat this population.

Posture Is Important

Maintaining a neutral posture during patient care is key to preventing musculoskeletal injuries.

Continuing Education

Understanding Tooth Meridians

The concept of energy flow within the body impacting health has implications for the oral cavity as well.

Treatment Considerations for Patients With a History of Head and Neck Radiation Therapy

Although treatment of this patient population can be difficult, oral health professionals who provide high-quality care and collaborate interprofessionally with the multidisciplinary oncology team will have the most successful outcomes.

Creating an Inclusive Dental Practice for the LGBTQ+ Patient

Providing culturally competent and informed care is integral to reducing dental disparities in this population.

Novel Approaches to Pain Management

While ibuprofen and acetaminophen are often the first choice in post-procedure analgesics, other options may be helpful in pain management.


Editor’s Note

Never Gone, Never Forgotten

A force of nature, a dedicated professional, a trail blazer, a visionary. All these describe Ann Battrell, MSDH. I can’t remember when I first met Ann, but it was many years ago when both of us were beginning our careers. Neither of us knew what professional paths we would travel, but those paths crossed frequently. [...]

Ask the Expert

Securing Informed Consent

My office uses iPads for patient check-in. Are there any issues regarding securing informed consent on such a device?

Products and Services

Innovation Improves Efficacy of Ultrasonic Instrumentation

NSK’s Varios 970 features the latest developments in piezoelectric technology.

Aligning in Mind and Body

Tips to help dental hygienists prevent and manage burnout.

A New Vision of an Old Objective

Colgate’s self-contained whitening ecosystem provides high-quality tooth whitening without the traditional side effects.

Newsline + Industry Info

The 2023 Esther Wilkins Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient Is Celebrated

Dimensions of Dental Hygiene and premier sponsor Colgate, featured sponsors Kettenbach USA and Pulpdent, and supporting sponsor Pac-Dent, are pleased to announce Ann Eshenaur Spolarich, RDH, PhD, FSCDH, as the recipient of the 2023 The Esther Wilkins Lifetime Achievement Award. Spolarich was honored with a lovely cocktail reception on the evening of July 7 in [...]

Italian Dental Hygiene Degree Program Offered in English

Completing dental hygiene school is challenging, but attending a program in the beautiful country of Italy may ease the stress of such an endeavor. And now, thanks to the University of Parma, this is a possibility. The University of Parma has launched a dental hygiene program in English that provides approximately 180 units over a 3-year [...]


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