This Month’s Features
Improving the Oral Health Of Children Across the Globe
The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry is emphasizing the importance of the dental home, the age 1 dental visit, and utilization of pediatric dental care services in the united states and abroad
Reducing the Use of Hospital Emergency Departments for Dental Care
New strategies are needed to ensure vulnerable children receive preventive and routine oral health care services.
Best Practices for Pediatric Dental Radiography
Clinicians need to be prudent when recommending X-rays, adhere to strict safety standards, and use proper technique when utilizing radiography in children.
What the Evidence Says About Fluoride Varnish
The effectiveness of fluoride varnish in preventing caries is the focus of this practical review.
Role of the Dental Endoscope in Calculus Detection
This technology can help clinicians in their efforts to completely remove subgingival calculus.
Continuing Education
Sleep Disorder Detection in Children
Knowledgeable oral health professionals are uniquely positioned to identify patients early in the disease process.
Treating Patients With CREST Syndrome
Dental hygienists are well prepared to help those with this autoimmune disorder maintain their oral health.
Localized Aggressive Periodontitis
Early diagnosis, effective treatment, and patient compliance are integral to successfully managing this rapidly advancing disease.
Effective Pain Management for Kids
Preventing and controlling pain are integral to ensuring successful dental appointments among this patient population.
Editor’s Note
Focus on Children’s Oral Health All Year Long
While February is noted for Valentine's Day and Presidents Day celebrations, the oral health care community knows it as National Children's Dental Health Month.
Ask the Expert
How Should I Encourage Follow-Through in a Noncompliant Patient?
What is the correct protocol for a patient who presented with a suspicious lesion and is at increased risk for oral cancer (long-time smoker) but who did not follow up with our referral to an oral surgeon for biopsy?
Products and Services
A listing of featured products.
Newsline + Industry Info
Miss Native American USA Works to Improve Oral Health Of American Indian Youth
February marks National Children's Dental Health Month, and reigning Miss Native American USA Kristina Hyatt, RDH, is teaming up with America's ToothFairy: National Children's Oral Health Foundation to improve the oral health of Native American youth.
Dental technicians are important members of the oral health care team, but the profession is not highly regulated.
Washington State Campaign Pushes For Dental Therapists
Washington state has significant access-to-care problems, with the state's poorest residents—generally Native Americans and other minority groups—experiencing disproportionate amounts of dental diseases.
UCSF To Investigate Children’s Oral Health Disparities
The University of California San Francisco (UCSF) School of Dentistry is the latest recipient of research grants totaling more than $20 million from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) designed to reduce oral health disparities and improve children's dental health.