Tufts Shuts Dental Hygiene Clinic
The dental clinic at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine in Boston went from treating more than 600 patients per day to approximately 12 patients per day in the school’s emergency clinic.
The dental clinic at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine in Boston went from treating more than 600 patients per day to approximately 12 patients per day in the school’s emergency clinic, according to the Boston Globe. This significant drop in patient numbers equates to a drastic fall in revenue. This fact has led to the lay off or furlough of more than 100 dental school employees and the closure of the Community Hygiene Program, which provided dental care to disadvantaged children in area public schools. However, Tufts will keep the Josiah Quincy Community Hygiene Program in the Chinatown neighborhood of Boston open to serve children with little access to oral healthcare services.
From Dimensions of Dental Hygiene. September 2020;18(8):11.