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NiteBite® by Keystone Industries

Nightguard protects dentition from bruxism.

The detrimental effects of bruxism on the dentition can be severe. Grinding and clenching are subconscious acts that may occur during periods of high stress, while playing high-impact sports, or due to sleep disorders, and can cause chipped or flattened teeth, worn enamel, increased tooth sensitivity, and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain. Oral health professionals can help mitigate the effects of bruxism by prescribing NiteBite from Keystone Industries.

This nightguard’s patented design uses innovative technology to prompt users to stop clenching and grinding during sleep. NiteBite is the first United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved device to function within the freeway space, and is designed to reduce or eliminate bruxism-related headaches, tooth sensitivity, and jaw pain.

Unique Features

NiteBite can be prescribed and delivered in a single visit, requiring only that an oral health professional apply the guard, let it mold, and then ensure it fits directly into the patient’s mouth. It is also cleared by the FDA for use by oral health professionals. In review, NiteBite offers the following benefits:

  • Custom in-office fit takes just 5 minutes
  • Requires no impressions, procedures, or follow-up visits
  • Easy to fit and comfortable to wear



Keystone Industries

(800) 333-3131

From Dimensions of Dental Hygiene. September 2014;12(9):82.


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