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June 2021 Social Commentary

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sandraSandra Larew, RDH, Dimensions Facebook Commenter

I prefer power (ultrasonic scaler) but I would use both. With large deposits, there is no way I could use just hand instruments in the time allotted. I like the fact that the ultrasonic scaler flushes everything out.

jaymeJayme Tubandt, RDH, BSDH, Dimensions Brand Ambassador

Increasing scientific evidence supports the use of both types of instrumentation. They each have their own benefits and work synergistically to provide the best results for our patients.

julienneJulienne Jobin, RDH, BSDH, Dimensions Facebook Commenter

You need both. I use the ultrasonic to get rid of larger deposits and to debride. Root planing with hand scalers is essential. There’s no comparison, there is so much tactile sensitivity involved with hand scaling. It truly is the only way to ensure smoothness (no burnished calculus allowed). The sound and feel of smooth roots can’t be experienced with power scaling alone.

monicaMonica Baldwin, RDH, PHDH, BSDH, Dimensions Brand Ambassador

Both, but ultrasonic scaling is definitely needed at first to remove the tough, larger deposits and to irrigate the bacteria.

kaylaKayla Miller, RDH, Dimensions Facebook Commenter

Blended instrumentation is best for me. I begin with an ultrasonic scaler for large calculus and to help control bleeding. I then switch to hand instruments. Lastly, I use the ultrasonic again to check for any remaining subgingival calculus and to irrigate.

Simòn Bud, RDHSimòn Bud, RDH, Dimensions Brand Ambassador

Always a combination of both! I will start with my ultrasonic scaler to get the bulk of the calculus off and then go in with hand instrumentation to get those hard-to-reach places that the ultrasonic can’t quite reach.

JJulianne Souzaulianne Souza, RDH,  Dimensions Brand Ambassador

I prefer to use both. I usually start with power instrumentation to remove larger deposits, disrupt biofilm, and flush out pockets. Then I use hand instrumentation to fine scale and sometimes end with more power instrumentation to irrigate and flush around gums. They both have their specific benefits.

From Dimensions of Dental Hygiene. June 2021;19(6):13.

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