General Scaling and Periodontal Tips by Vista Dental Products
Ultrasonic tips offer value and performance.
Effective scaling and root planing is essential to maintaining the health of periodontal tissues. Choosing the proper tip directly affects the quality and efficacy of ultrasonic instrumentation. Vista Dental Products offers a variety of piezoelectric tips for all general scaling and periodontal applications and techniques.
Vista Dental Products’ ultrasonic tips fit on all leading piezoelectric units. Offering Acteon, EMS, and Amdent thread styles, the tips are backed by the company’s “Mountains Above the Rest” standard of quality—ensuring the highest level of performance and reduced risk of breakage. Additionally, the new Piezo™ Platinum Package offers significant cost savings. Clinicians who purchase either the Piezo Pilot™ or the Co-Pilot™ ultrasonic scaler will receive major discounts on hygiene and periodontal piezoelectric tips, along with an extended warranty and excellent customer support.
From Dimensions of Dental Hygiene. March 2014;12(3):72.