Reconnecting Practicing Hygienists with the Nation's Leading Educators and Researchers.

October 2019 Top Brand Ambassadors

Each month, Newsline will feature some of our most active Dimensions of Dental Hygiene’s Brand Ambassadors.

Melinda Robertson, BSc, RDH, BBA,

Each month, Newsline will feature some of our most active Dimensions of Dental Hygiene’s Brand Ambassadors. Would you like to join our Brand Ambassador Program? Learn more at:

Melia Lewis, RDH, MEd;
Shelley Brown, RDH; and
Jessica Atkinson, RDH,

Melinda Robertson, BSc, RDH, BBA, works as a clinical dental hygienist while teaching in a variety of formats. She has a strong science and business background. As an all-around dental geek, Robertson has served as a program director of a dental hygiene school, social media coordinator for a variety of dental offices and dental companies, writer, researcher, marketer, and study club coordinator. She enjoys volunteering locally and abroad. Currently, she is curating a new project RDHeducrate, a “dental convention in a box.”

Hygiene Edge was created by three dental hygienists: Melia Lewis, RDH, MEd; Shelley Brown, RDH; and Jessica Atkinson, RDH, MEd. With more than 40 years of dental experience between them, they are dedicated to inspiring dental hygienists to be their best for themselves and their patients, providing quick tips and tricks to make clinical hygiene easier, and educating professionals on the latest technology and findings in the dental world. Lewis, Brown, and Atkinson love education and love dental hygiene even more.

From Dimensions of Dental Hygiene. October 2019;17(9):15.

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