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June 2020 Social Commentary

Like Dimensions of Dental Hygiene’s Facebook page to share your thoughts on posted questions.


Ashli JoneAshli Jones, RDH Dimensions Brand Ambassador

Closed reception/waiting area, COVID-19 questionnaire, taking patients’ temperatures, wearing N95 masks, heavier duty filters throughout office air supply system, and testing employees once it becomes available, among other things. I am thankful to have such a great boss who cares about our safety as well as the public’s safety!


Kaitlin StallardKaitlin Stallard, LDA Dental Hygiene Student at Minnesota State Community and Technical College Moorhead and Dimensions Brand Ambassador

We are taking temperatures, doing a prerinse with peroxide/water mixture, and limiting the number of patients in the waiting room. We have N95s, plus level 3 masks to go over that, face shields, lab jackets, and disposable gowns. We are slowly phasing into our normal schedule, so mainly just extractions if an emergency, and crown preps if needed. Hygiene is slowly starting back up this week with a limited number of patients. I will say I have felt safe and my office is taking all of the proper measures.


Ann Cote, RDH, MSDA
Ann Cote, RDH, MSDA

Ann Cote, RDH, MSHA Dimensions Brand Ambassador

Patients called prior to appointments to inquire whether they or anyone in their household have been sick and whether they have traveled within the past 2 weeks. Patients will wait in their cars until called in for their appointments. Closed treatment rooms (with curtains); clinicians wearing N95 masks, face shields, and disposable gowns; and staggered hygiene appointments (we have two hygienists) so there is minimal to no patient-to-patient contact. We will have a “fogger” machine to use after each patient in each room to help sanitize and reduce aerosols. No ultrasonic use for us hygienists during patient treatment. It’s going to be a whole new world! Our boss is two rking so hard to make sure we and our patients are safe and healthy.


Marci ShoemakerMarci Shoemaker, RDH Dimensions Facebook Commenter

I’m not back to work yet but it sounds like we will have face shields, we will try to reduce areosols, and a business team member will bring patients back to the treatment rooms after checking temperatures and then take them back up front. We will have to change our clothes and shoes before leaving for the day.


SOCIAL COMMENTARY Like Dimensions of Dental Hygiene’s Facebook page at:​dimensionsofdentalhygiene to share your thoughts on posted questions. We may publish your comment in an upcoming edition of our new column “Social Commentary,” and one lucky respondent will receive a coupon for a free continuing education course. If you would like your Instagram handle included, please be sure to add it to your response.

From Dimensions of Dental Hygiene. June 2020;18(6):13.

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