GINGICaine® Oral Anesthetic Gel in Syringe by Gingi-Pak
Perfect control for local anesthetics.
GINGICaine® Oral Anesthetic Gel in Syringe gives dental professionals perfect control for local anesthetics. Each syringe contains 1.2 ml 20% benzocaine gel that allows the clinician to deliver GINGICaine® directly into the sulcus to induce anesthesia right where it is needed, without having to numb the patient’s whole mouth.
The proprietary micro needle tip features a 7 mm gauge mark and rounded end to eliminate poking or tearing the sulcus during delivery, making it ideal for a variety of procedures, such as injections, root planning, scaling, gingival retractions, and others.
The 20% benzocaine formula has a fast 15-second onset for safe and effective pain relief, and patients can enjoy the strawberry flavor without aftertaste.
The syringe kit is economical and contains 20 syringes and 40 Micro Needle tips per package.
From Dimensions of Dental Hygiene. May 2019;17(5):44.