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Brand Name Index

Interested to know what company makes your favorite brand name product? The Brand Name Index lists some of dental hygiene’s well-known brand names. Each brand name is listed alphabetically with the company that makes the brand following it.






360°™, Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals

60:60®, Pascal Co

60 Second Taste®, Pascal Co



Abreva, GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare

Accuject®, DENTSPLY Pharmaceutical

AcquaBrite, AcquaMed Technologies

AcquaDam, AcquaMed Technologies

AcquaSeal, AcquaMed Technologies

Active Angle®, Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals

ACT®, Johnson & Johnson

ACT® x2™, Johnson & Johnson

AeroSpense, DUX Dental

Affinity, Ansell Healthcare LLC

After Five®, Hu-Friedy Mfg Co Inc

Aim®, Church & Dwight Co Inc

Aquafresh, GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare

ARESTIN®, Orapharma Inc

Arm & Hammer Advance White®,

Church & Dwight Co Inc

Arm & Hammer® Complete Care™,

Church & Dwight Co Inc

Arm & Hammer Dental Care®,

Church & Dwight Co Inc

Arm & Hammer Enamel Care®,

Church & Dwight Co Inc

Arm & Hammer PeroxiCare®,

Church & Dwight Co Inc

Aurelia, Supermax



Banicide Advanced®, Pascal Co

Banicide PLUS®, Pascal Co

BDR, Designs for Vision Inc

Benda®, Centrix Inc

Bib-Eze, DUX Dental

Bib-Its, DUX Dental

BioSonic®, Coltene/Whaledent Inc

Biotene®, Laclede Inc

Blue-Flo™, Vista Dental Products

BodyGuard®, Orascoptic

Breath E-Z, Mydent International

BreathRx, Discus Dental

Breeze™, Vista Dental Products

Butler Weave®, Sunstar Butler


Caddie™, Vista Dental Products

CASEY, Patterson Dental

Cainetips, J. Morita USA

CaviCide, Kerr TotalCare

CaviRinse™, OMNII Oral Pharmaceuticals

CavityShield®, OMNII Oral Pharmaceuticals

CaviWipes, Kerr TotalCare

Cetacaine, Cetylite Industries

Cetylcide G, Cetylite Industries

Cetylcide II, Cetylite Industries

Citanest®, DENTSPLY Pharmaceutical

Citrizyme®, Pascal Co

Classic DPA, Sunstar Butler

Clear Dip®, Sunstar Butler

Clinpro™, 3M™ ESPE™

Close Up®, Church & Dwight Co Inc

ColorTouch®, Microflex Corp

Colorvue™, Hu-Friedy Mfg Co Inc

Conform, Ansell Healthcare LLC

ControlRx®, OMNII Oral Pharmaceuticals

Cotton Candy for Kids®, Pascal Co

CPR™, IC Care

Crescent®, DENTSPLY Rinn

CrossZyme®, Crosstex International

Cruise Line, PDT Inc/ Paradise Dental

C-Tub, Cetylite Industries



Dapaway®, DENTSPLY Rinn

DarcView®, DENTSPLY Rinn

Dee Fog, Cetylite Industries

DEFEND®, Mydent International

DenOptix, Gendex Dental Systems

Densco®, Waterpik Technologies

Dentinbloc®, Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals

DermaClean, Ansell Healthcare LLC

DIAGNOdent, KaVo Dental Corp

DiaLUX, KaVo Dental Corp

DiamondGrip™, Microflex Corp

DiamondGrip Plus™, Microflex Corp

DiamondGrip Plus™ HS, Microflex Corp

DiamondTec™, Hu-Friedy Mfg Co Inc

Diffuser™, Mydent International

Dimension-3™, Orascoptic

Diopower, Nu Radiance Inc/Sentry Medical Products

DisAseptic®, Palmero Health Care

DisCide®, Palmero Health Care

D-Lish, Young Dental

Dri-Aid, Young Dental

DryProcessor II, DUX Dental

Duraphat®, Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals

Durashield®, Sultan Dental Products

Duropro®, Sunstar Butler

Duraspond™, Hu-Friedy Mfg Co Inc


Eaglelite, American Eagle Instruments

EagleSoft, Patterson Dental

EasyView, PDT Inc/ Paradise Dental

EcoTru®, Crosstex International

EcuSeal, Zenith/DMG Products

Eezee-Grip®, DENTSPLY Rinn

Eez-Thru®, Sunstar Butler

EfferZyme®, Crosstex International

EmPower, Kerr TotalCare

Encore, Ansell Healthcare LLC

ErgoGrip, Ansell Healthcare LLC

ErgoVision™, SurgiTel Systems

Evac-u-Trap, Kerr TotalCare

EverEdge™, Hu-Friedy Mfg Co Inc

Evolution One®, Microflex Corp

EX117, Brasseler USA

EyeMax™, Orascoptic

EZ-Lock™, Vista Dental Products




Fang Dango, Denticator

FasTear®, DENTSPLY Rinn

Festival, Denticator

Fit Right, Sentry Medical Products

FlorOpal, Ultradent

FlossRx™, OMNII Oral Pharmaceuticals

Fluoridex, Discus Dental

Fluorigard®, Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals

FluoroCare™, Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals

Fluoro-Foam™, Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals

FreeForm® SE, Microflex Corp



Galaxy®, DentalEZ Group

Gammex, Ansell Healthcare LLC

Garfield®, Sunstar Butler

Gel-Kam®, Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals

Gel-Tin, Young Dental

Gentle-Ject™, Mydent International

GFL, Designs for Vision

Glacier, Sentry Medical Products

Gleason Guide, PDT Inc/ Paradise Dental

Gly-Oxide, GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare

Go-Betweens®, Sunstar Butler

GripLite, Miltex Inc


HiRes™, Orascoptic

Hurricaine®, Beutlich LP

HurriSeal®, Beutlich LP

HurriSept®, Beutlich LP

HurriView®, Beutlich LP

HydroFlow, PDT Inc/ Paradise Dental

Hygenic®, Coltene/Whaledent Inc

Hygenic®, GuttaFlow® Coltene/Whaledent Inc

HygienePro, Brasseler USA


IconLabs, Mydent International

IC Protective Eyewear™, Crosstex International

Identic, DUX Dental

Implacare™, Hu-Friedy Mfg Co Inc

IMS™, Hu-Friedy Mfg Co Inc

IntelliClean, Philips Oral Healthcare

Interdental Proxabrush®, Sunstar Butler


Jet Bite, Coltene/Whaledent Inc

Jiffy®, Ultradent

J/V-Generation™, DentalEZ Group


Kwik-Bite Senso, Kerr TotalCare


Liberty, Denticator

Lil’ Safari®, Sunstar Butler

Listerine®, Pfizer Inc

Lollicaine, Centrix Inc

Lorvic, Young Dental

Lumina™, DentalEZ Group


Max-I-Probe®, DENTSPLY Rinn

Maxxus, Ansell Healthcare LLC

Mentadent®, Church & Dwight Co Inc

MetriLube, Kerr TotalCare

MetriMist, Kerr TotalCare

MetriTest, Kerr TotalCare

Micro One®, Microflex Corp

MicroTip®, Sunstar Butler

Micro Touch, Ansell Healthcare LLC

Mini Five®, Hu-Friedy Mfg Co Inc

MiniPiezon®, EMS (Electro Medical Systems)

MirrorLite™, Mydent International

Monoject, OraTec Corp


NeoPro®, Microflex Corp

NeutraGard®, Pascal Co

Neutralon, Ansell Healthcare LLC

Nevi, Hu-Friedy Mfg Co Inc

Nova, Sentry Medical Products

Nova, TePe Inc

Novatech™, Hu-Friedy Mfg Co Inc

NuCare®, Sunstar Butler

Nu Form, Nu Radiance Inc/Sentry Medical Products

Nyclave, Young Dental


Opalescence, Ultradent

OPMI®, Carl Zeiss Surgical Inc

OpticCure, Designs for Vision

OralBalance®, Laclede Inc

Orabase®, Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals

Orachlor-Chloramine, OraTec Corp

OraJet, OraTec Corp

OralCDx, CDx Laboratories

Oraqix®, DENTSPLY Pharmaceutical

Orbit, Wm. Wrigley Co

Orhoralix, Gendex Dental Systems


Pearl Drops®, Church & Dwight Co Inc

Pears, Orascoptic

PeelVue+, DUX Dental

Pepsodent®, Church & Dwight Co Inc

Percept, P.O.H.

Peridex®, OMNII Oral Pharmaceuticals

Peridex®, Zila Pharmaceuticals

Peridin-C®, Beutlich LP

PerioChip®, OMNII Oral Pharmaceuticals

PerioRx, Discus Dental

Perioflex, OraTec Corp

PerioGlas®, Sunstar Butler

PerioGard®, Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals

Peroxyl®, Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals

Perry, Ansell Healthcare LLC

Pick-A-Dent, Denticator

Piezo Advantage™, Vista Dental Products

Piezon®, EMS (Electro Medical Systems)

Pinnacle, Kerr TotalCare

Phos-Flur®, Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals

Platinum™, Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals

Polar, Sentry Medical Products

Polident, GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare

Polocaine®, DENTSPLY Pharmaceutical

Post-Care®, Sunstar Butler

PowerGrip®, Microflex Corp

PreviDent®, Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals

Prism, Carl Zeiss Surgical Inc

Pro Care, Young Dental

ProCide-D, Kerr TotalCare

ProClean, Pro-Dentec

Pro Dentx, Pro-Dentec

PROPHYflex 3, KaVo Dental Corp

ProphyMate, Brasseler USA

PROPHYpearls, KaVo Dental Corp

PROPHYwix, KaVo Dental Corp

Pro-Select 3, Pro-Dentec

Protexin, Cetylite Industries

Proxidiscs, Centrix Inc

PUFF®, Pascal Co



QUATTROcare, KaVo Dental Corp

Quilix™, Hu-Friedy Mfg Co Inc


Radent®, Pascal Co

REACH ACCESS®, Johnson & Johnson

REACH® ADVANCED, Johnson & Johnson

REACH® Clean Burst™, Johnson & Johnson

REACH® DENTOTAPE®, Johnson & Johnson

REACH® Easy Slide®, Johnson & Johnson

REACH® MAX™, Johnson & Johnson

REACH® Performance®, Johnson & Johnson

REACH® Wild Flossers™, Johnson & Johnson

Release, Cetylite Industries

ResinEight™, Hu-Friedy Mfg Co Inc

Rincinol™ P.R.N., Sunstar Butler

RONDOflex, KaVo Dental Corp

Rota-dent, Pro-Dentec

Rotapoint, Pro-Dentec

Rotapower, Sunstar Butler

Roto-Vac, Young Dental


Safe-Tips EZ, Kerr TotalCare

Sani-Cloth®, Crosstex International

Sanitex Plus®, Crosstex International

Sapphire, Sentry Medical Products

Satelec, ACTEON North America

Satin Steel®, Hu-Friedy Mfg Co Inc

Scene-Sations™, Sunstar Butler

Sea Friends®, Sunstar Butler

SensiTip™, DentalEZ Group

SensiTouch, Ansell Healthcare LLC

Sensodyne, GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare

SEQUENCE®, Pascal Co

Sesame Street®, Sunstar Butler

Sidekick™, Hu-Friedy Mfg Co Inc

Silhouette, DentalEZ Group

Singles®, OMNII Oral Pharmaceuticals

Skin Screen, Cetylite Industries

Smilelite, Pro-Dentec

Smiles™, Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals

Snap-A-Ray®, DENTSPLY Rinn

Snapcx®, DENTSPLY Rinn

Soft Picks™, Sunstar Butler

Sonicare Elite, Philips Oral Healthcare

SONICflex, KaVo Dental Corp

SONICflex LUX, KaVo Dental Corp

SoothRx™, OMNII Oral Pharmaceuticals

Sopro, ACTEON North America

Spree, Kerr TotalCare

Spry, Xlear

Stabe®, DENTSPLY Rinn

StanGard®, Pascal Co

StarDental®, DentalEZ Group

Sterall®, Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals

Sterilox®, Ultradent

STIM-U-DENT®, Johnson & Johnson

Super Flex, Sentry Medical Products

Super Poligrip, GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare

Super Tip®, Sunstar Butler

Supreno® SE, Microflex Corp

Sureclean, Denticator

Surg-O-Vac, Young Dental

Swiss Master Light®, EMS (Electro Medical Systems)

Swivel™, Hu-Friedy Mfg Co Inc

Synergy®, Coltene/Whaledent Inc


Tactile Tone, Miltex Inc

Technique®, Sunstar Butler

TelAseptic™, Palmero Health Care

TheraGum®, OMNII Oral Pharmaceuticals

TheraMints™, OMNII Oral Pharmaceuticals

TheraSol, OraTec Corp

Thompson, Miltex Inc

Tip-A-Dent, Denticator

Titan®, DentalEZ Group

Total®, Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals

Total Professional®, Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals

TrandsView®, DENTSPLY Rinn

Transformation Kit, PDT Inc/ Paradise Dental

Trav-Ler®, Sunstar Butler

Trèswhite, Ultradent

Trident, Cadbury Schweppes

Twinkles, Twinden


Ultimate Edge Kit, PDT Inc/ Paradise Dental

UltraEz, Ultradent

Ultralon, Ansell Healthcare LLC

UltraSeal XT® plus, Ultradent

Uni-Bite®, DENTSPLY Rinn


Varios, Brasseler USA

Varnal, Cetylite Industries

V-Chair™, DentalEZ Group

Vent-O-Vac, Young Dental

Versi-Wipe™, Palmero Health Care

Viadent®, Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals

ViaJet Pro, OraTec Corp

VioNex, Kerr TotalCare

VioNexus, Kerr TotalCare

Vision GF, Carl Zeiss Surgical Inc

VizaLite, Zila Pharmaceuticals Inc

Vision Curvettes®, Hu-Friedy Mfg Co Inc


Waterpik Wizard™, Waterpik Technologies

Wave®, Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals

Wernet, GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare

Wig-L-Bug®, DENTSPLY Rinn


Xantia, OMNII Oral Pharmaceuticals


Xenolite, DUX Dental

XP Technology, American Eagle Instruments

Xylocaine®, DENTSPLY Pharmaceutical


Zarosen, Cetylite Industries

Zeon®, Orascoptic

Zoom!, Discus Dental




From Dimensions of Dental Hygiene. August 2005;3(8):42-43.

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