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Addressing the Adolescent Vaping Epidemic

AGD Subject Code: 158 EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES After reading this course, the participant should be able to: Identify the reasons why adolescents vape. Discuss the negative health consequences of vaping among the adolescent…

Managing Sjögren Syndrome

AGD Subject Code: 149 EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES After reading this course, the participant should be able to: Discuss the diagnostic process for Sjögren syndrome (SS). Identify the role of the dental professional in the management of…

[LIVE EVENT] California Infection Control: Are We Safe Enough?

Meet the Dental Board of California’s requirements for re-licensure and update your knowledge of the most important issues in clinical safety. This class outlines the essentials of infection prevention and control, combining standard and…

[LIVE EVENT] AAP Classification Simplified

How well do you know the current periodontal classification system? Does it seem confusing? The purpose of this course is to provide an easy and quick guide to assist both clinicians and educators in understanding and utilizing the (2018)…

[LIVE EVENT] Systemic Perio Update: Remember Floss or Die?

The connection between periodontal diseases and systemic infection is a critical focus to the dental profession and the patients we treat. Periodontal diseases, other oral inflammatory problems, and medications have been linked systemically…

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Promotional Period: 12/14/24 – 12/31/24

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