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BeautiSealant and PRG Barrier Coat by Shofu Dental Corp

Giomer is a collective term for bioactive materials that incorporate Shofu’s proprietary surface pre-reacted glass (S-PRG) technology.


Giomer is a collective term for bioactive materials that incorporate Shofu’s proprietary surface pre-reacted glass (S-PRG) technology. S-PRG fillers are obtained by reacting multifunctional fluoro-boro-alumino-silicate glass filler with polyacrylic acid in the presence of water. The resultant trilaminar structure forms a stable glass-ionomer phase that allows for continuous release and recharge of fluoride and other beneficial ions (sodium, strontium, aluminum, silicate, and boron), while protecting the glass core from water sorption and degradation.

Giomer materials offer myriad clinically vetted benefits. First, they demonstrate continuous release and recharge of fluoride when treated with fluoridated over-the-counter products (ie, toothpaste, mouthrinse). Second, they neutralize acids to establish stable pH in the oral environment. Lastly, they manifest antiplaque attributes by reducing plaque formation and bacterial adherence.

Giomer materials have been vetted in a series of long-term clinical trials. One study recorded 100% retention rates with intact esthetics, no secondary caries, no failures, and no post-operative sensitivity.1 Another found 96% of restorations with no secondary caries in a 66% retention rate.2 Shofu has successfully incorporated Giomer technology into its versatile line of products.


BeautiSealant is a fluoride-releasing pit-and-fissure sealant formulated without phosphoric acid. Bisphenol A- and HEMA-free, this product encompasses Giomer technology, which inhibits plaque formation, neutralizes acid, and releases and recharges fluoride, strontium, and other beneficial ions.

To facilitate strong and predictable bonding, BeautiSealant is formulated with mild yet effective adhesive monomers—carboxylic and phosphonic acid. These monomers thoroughly penetrate and prepare pits and fissures, yet are gentler on the tooth than phosphoric acid.

Exhibiting optimal handling, viscosity, and bubble-free consistency, BeautiSealant can be applied in 30 seconds or less—an important benefit when working with pediatric, geriatric, and special-need patients.


PRG Barrier Coat is a fluoride-releasing, light-cured desensitizer for prolonged hypersensitivity relief. This resin-based Giomer varnish is designed to provide immediate and prolonged relief for patients experiencing severe dentinal hypersensitivity, for up to 6 months.

Containing no alcohol, acetone, or 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA), PRG Barrier Coat is self-adhesive, with no separate etching or bonding steps required. Only an ultra-thin layer, up to 15 μm, is needed to instantly seal and protect exposed dentinal tubules. Along with treating hypersensitivity, PRG Barrier Coat is useful in a broad range of other preventive applications, including desensitizing hardto- brush zones (surrounding orthodontic brackets, clasps, and crowded teeth) and areas at high risk of caries, such as exposed root surfaces, newly erupted molars, and white spots.References

  1. Gordan VV, Mondragon E, Watson RE, Garvan C, Mjör IA. A clinical evaluation of a self-etching primer and a Giomer restorative material: results at 8 years. J Am Dent Assoc. 2007;138:621–627.
  2. Gordan VV, Blaser PK, Watson RE, et al. A clinical evaluation of a giomer restorative system containing surface prereacted glass ionomer filler: results from a 13-year recall examination. J Am Dent Assoc. 2014;145:1036–1043.

From Dimensions of Dental HygieneSeptember 2016;14(09):62. 

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