Tuesday's Conversation: Future of Ryan White Dental Safety Net Programs
Tuesday’s Conversation Future of Ryan White Dental Safety Net Programs February 12 – The Ryan White HIV AIDS Program encompasses the Dental Reimbursement Program and the Community Based Dental Partnership Program, created in response to gaps in dental care
Tuesday’s Conversation: Future of Ryan White Dental Safety Net Programs
February 12 – The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program encompasses the Dental Reimbursement Program and the Community-Based Dental Partnership Program, created in response to gaps in dental care for people living with HIV/AIDS.
The Ryan White program is literally the only path to critical preventive dental services and treatment for thousands of adults in the United States who need the care the most.
Join us this Tuesday for this important webinar:
Protecting Oral Health in the HIV/AIDS Community:
Academic Dental Institutions and the Ryan White Program
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Noon–1:00 p.m. Eastern Time
Earn CE Credit. Listen for Free. Invite Your Colleagues and Participate as a Group.
Exclusive for webinar attendees is an advanced downloadable copy of the ADEA white paper, Understanding the History and Securing the Future of Ryan White Dental Safety Net Programs.
Attendees will be sent a link to view the paper shortly before the webinar begins.
Register today and join the conversation @adeaweb with #RyanWhiteDental.
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