Test Your Knowledge on the Minimally Invasive Approach
Employing remineralization strategies instead of providing restorative care may be the most prudent approach to saving tooth structure. How much do you know about implementing a minimally invasive approach?
According to the World Health Organization, what percentage of children have a history of dental caries?
The caries process begins with the action of organic acids, which are produced by bacteria found in organized dental plaque via the anaerobic metabolism of dietary sugars.
Demineralization gradually weakens the tooth structure, making it more susceptible to plaque formation and demineralization.
Fracture and dental caries are not important for restored teeth.
Intact teeth, under normal function, are more likely to fracture than restored teeth.
Eggshells are currently being investigated for their remineralization capabilities.
There is no research demonstrating the effectiveness of the CO2 laser in the remineralization process.
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