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Osap And Icd To Collaborate On Infection Prevention And Safety Practices

Osap And Icd To Collaborate On Infection Prevention And Safety Practices Annapolis, MD Flint, MI USA February 23, 2015 The Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP) and the International College of Dentists (ICD) have signed a memorandum of understanding

Osap And Icd To Collaborate On Infection Prevention And Safety Practices

Annapolis, MD/Flint, MI USA: February 23, 2015 – The Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP) and the International College of Dentists (ICD) have signed a memorandum of understanding that outlines a formal collaboration between the two organizations. Their goal is to enhance dental infection prevention and safety practices worldwide to protect both patients and healthcare workers from infectious diseases and other hazards encountered during the provision of oral healthcare.

Dental safety (infection prevention and control, and patient and

occupational safety) crosses all fields and specialties in dentistry. “There is a recognized need for training in state-of-the-art, yet practical, dental infection control and safety practices in countries where there are no established acceptable standards of dental safety. This collaboration will advance our ability to assess need, provide and share resources, and achieve our mutual goal of ensuring patient and provider safety throughout the world,” said Dr. John O’Keefe, OSAP’s Chairman of the Board.

ICD International President Joseph R. Kenneally commented,

“There has long been a need for this type of scientific, evidence and research-based program to promote high standards of safe infection control practices, especially in humanitarian care situations in underdeveloped nations. This collaboration will not only promote these standards, but it will bring training to dental professionals around the world. This is a vitally important educational effort, and the International College of Dentists is thrilled to be able to help.”

The collaboration between OSAP and ICD will include organizational linkages (such as mutual conference participation and linking website content), education and training (such as sharing resources, possible collaboration on a joint update of OSAP’s Guide for

Safety and Infection Control for Oral Healthcare Missions, and the development of global regional infection control training programs), and partnering on other relevant matters.

The memorandum of understanding is for a period of three years and may be renewed. For more information on ICD, go to For more information on OSAP, go to

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