Orascoptic Unveils Highest Ergo Magnification Yet With HDL Ergo™ 5.0x
Orascoptic’s vision is to drive the best patient outcomes by providing superior visualization for every healthcare procedure. The inspiration behind both Ergo loupes and all Orascoptic products is to challenge the status quo – to elevate dental and medical procedures.
The latest addition to Orascoptic’s line of Ergo loupe options, the HDL Ergo™ 5.0x implements refractive prisms to allow clinicians to sit up straight and reduce neck tilt. With verified 5.0x magnification, this loupe improves posture without sacrificing vision.
Learn more about our Ergo line at www.orascoptic.com
Orascoptic has been designing and manufacturing award-winning surgical loupes and light systems in Wisconsin for more than 40 years. Our products assist clinicians around the globe in delivering better procedural outcomes through superior visualization. As long as dental and medical professionals rely on enhanced vision to deliver the best patient care, Orascoptic will be on the forefront of developing magnification and illumination technology.