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Introducing RiteWipe™ Handpiece Cleaning Wipes


Introducing RiteWipe™ Handpiece Cleaning Wipes, a revolutionary product for cleaning dental handpieces before sterilization. Until now, there has been no specialized solutions designed specifically for the safe and effective removal of blood and bacteria from dental handpieces. Dental offices have been forced to use products with harsh chemicals and disinfectants that can harm their expensive tools.

RiteWipe Handpiece Cleaning Wipes address these gaps with our innovative Blue Dot Technology™:

  • Dual-sided wipe that provides enhanced cleaning efficiency – one side is smooth and the other is permeated with raised blue scrubbing dots that safely removes tough bioburden
  • Specially-designed surfactant formulation eliminates 99.99% of bacteria and blood*, ensuring optimal cleaning prior to sterilization
  • Alcohol-free and chloride-free formula is a safe and gentle option that can prolong the life of dental handpieces

RiteWipe Handpiece Cleaning Wipes are the only handpiece cleaning solution on the market today that follow the approved guidelines for proper cleaning prior to sterilization (CDC, ANSI/AAMI, ADS/OSAP).

Available through your dental distributor – September 9, 2024. Packaged in pouches of 100 – 5” x 7” wipes and in cases of 12 pouches. Item #121100.

*Data on File

TM RiteWipe and Blue Dot Technology are trademarks of RiteWipe, LLC.


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