How Much Do You Know About Periodontal Disease Management?
Dental professionals are instrumental in the prevention and management of periodontal disease. Superior knowledge on this multifactorial disease will help clinicians create individualized treatment plans. How much do you know about managing periodontal disease?
Which is a clinical presentation of periodontal disease?

Understanding different clinical phenotypes of periodontal disease will aid oral health professionals in which of the following ways?

Recent evidence has found in¬flammation is critical in diseases like cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer’s disease, which previously have not been considered inflammatory.

According to research, which compounds are is the most effective mouthrinses ingredients used to inhibit plaque formation?

The mechanical oral hygiene procedures performed by patients are sufficient to reduce plaque buildup and prevent disease.

Periodontal lesions in patients with increased risk for periodontal disease are located interdentally rather than buccally or lingually.

Several clinical studies have established effective and persistent removal of dental plaque is not conditional to the achievement and maintenance of oral health.

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