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How Much Do You Know About HIV/AIDS?

Dental hygienists play an important role in identifying early clinical signs of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), and advancements in prevention and treatment of this disease continue to be made. Read on to evaluate how much you know about strategies for the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS.


In 2017, the World Health Organization estimated that how many people globally have been infected with HIV/AIDS?

burakkarademir / iStock / Getty Images Plus
Correct! Wrong!

HIV targets the immune system, specifically the CD4 lymphocyte cells or T-cells, which protect the body from infections.

Choreograph / iStock / Getty Images Plus
Correct! Wrong!

Salivary DNA testing can only be administered by physicians in a medical setting, and not by oral health professionals.

dusanpetkovic / iStock / Getty Images Plus
Correct! Wrong!

How soon can dental hygienists notice the first clinical symptoms of HIV/AIDS infections?

AleksandarGeorgiev / E+
Correct! Wrong!

Standard precautions should be used when treating patients with HIV/AIDs, which includes the use of personal protective equipment and proper hand washing.

EHStock / iStock / Getty Images Plus
Correct! Wrong!

Patients with HIV/AIDS may present with which the following oral conditions?

frank600 / iStock / Getty Images Plus
Correct! Wrong!

No modifications are needed to provide dental hygiene preventive services to patients with HIV/AIDS.

Gam1983 / iStock / Getty Images Plus
Correct! Wrong!

How Much Do You Know About HIV/AIDS?
Congrats! You understand the ins and outs HIV/AIDs prevention and treatment. Get out there and put your know-how to good use!
Well done!
Well done! You’ve got the basics, but there’s more to learn. Continue to study the latest in HIV/AIDs prevention and treatment. You’ve got this!
Not bad!
Not bad, but there’s room to grow when it comes to understanding the role of dental hygienists in preventing and treating patients with HIV/AIDS. Consider reading more about the latest advancements on this topic. Good luck!

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Update on HIV/AIDS

Oral health professionals are well positioned to incorporate global and national strategies for the prevention of human immunodeficiency virus/ acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
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