CEATUS MEDIA GROUP TO CONTINUE NASH INSTITUTE SPONSORSHIP San Diego, CA – January 18, 2017 Ceatus Media Group announced the continuation of its sponsorship of the Nash Institute for Dental Learning. Since the launch of its sponsorship in early 2016,
San Diego, CA – January 18, 2017: Ceatus Media Group announced the continuation of its sponsorship of the Nash Institute for Dental Learning. Since the launch of its sponsorship in early 2016, Ceatus has transformed the online marketing efforts for both the Nash Institute and Dr. Nash’s private cosmetic dentistry practice. Ceatus applied its wide range of digital assets through the initial sponsorship, to include new patient calls for elective cases or elective dentistry, website design and optimization, social media marketing, content marketing and reviews, and reputation management programs.
Ceatus personnel will continue to be on hand at several of the teaching sessions to provide education to the attendees about best practices for online marketing for premier dentists.
As part of the sponsorship program, Ceatus Media Group has created new websites for both the Nash Institute and Dr. Nash’s private practice. These websites present to consumers Dr. Nash’s practice and patient results and highlight the Institute’s curriculum and facility for the attending dentists.
“Since the release of our newly redesigned website our phone has been ringing constantly,” says Debra Engelhardt-Nash. “Our team members all say the same thing: that these new patients are finding us on Google, and they love our site. We look forward to continued success with Ceatus.”
According to Dr. David Evans, CEO of Ceatus Media Group, “We are honored to be a sponsor of The Nash Institute and have greatly enjoyed working with Dr. Nash and Debra Engelhardt-Nash to help educate premier dentists about aesthetic dentistry, full mouth rehabilitation, and the business of dentistry.”
Sponsorship of the Nash Institute is limited to only 11 other major companies in the dental industry.
Ceatus Media Group, founded in 2004, is a leading provider of digital marketing services for healthcare practices and organizations. Ceatus combines advanced expertise in healthcare with unique internet marketing strategies to educate consumers about elective healthcare procedures and connect prospective patients with Ceatus clients.