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Advantage Arrest Silver Diamine Fluoride 38 Percent is Now Available in the United States Exclusively from Elevate Oral Care

Advantage Arrest™ Silver Diamine Fluoride 38% is Now Available in the U.S., Exclusively from Elevate Oral Care April 27, 2015 WEST PALM BEACH, FL — Elevate Oral Care, LLC and Advantage Silver Dental Arrest, LLC announces the introduction of Advantage

Advantage Arrest™ Silver Diamine Fluoride 38% is Now Available in the U.S., Exclusively from Elevate Oral Care

April 27, 2015 

WEST PALM BEACH, FL — Elevate Oral Care, LLC and Advantage Silver Dental Arrest, LLC announces the introduction of Advantage Arrest™ Silver Diamine Fluoride 38%, the only silver diamine fluoride cleared for use in the United States by the FDA.

After more than 8 years of research to assess safety and efficacy, Advantage Arrest recently received clearance from the Food and Drug Administration to be marketed in the United States. “This is a significant milestone for U.S. dental professionals,” said Dr. Peter Milgrom, Scientific Director for the Advantage Silver Arrest. Elevate Oral Care is the exclusive distributor of Advantage Arrest. “We are extremely excited that the American Dental Profession will now have the opportunity to provide this proven therapy to their patients,” said Kevin Thomas, Managing Member of Elevate Oral Care.

In a 2010 two-site clinical study Advantage Silver Arrest was found to significantly reduce dental hypersensitivity1. The results were clinically superior to results obtained in a 2006 study of Duraphat 5% sodium fluoride varnish2.

For more information or to order visit or call Elevate at 877-866-9113.

1. Castillo JL1, Rivera S, Aparicio T, Lazo R, Aw TC, Mancl LL, Milgrom P. The short-term effects of diammine silver fluoride on tooth sensitivity: a randomized controlled trial. J Dent Res. 2011 Feb;90(2):203-8

2. Ritter AV1, de L Dias W, Miguez P, Caplan DJ, Swift EJ Jr. Treating cervical dentin hypersensitivity with fluoride varnish: a randomized clinical study. J Am Dent Assoc. 2006 Jul;137(7):1013-20; quiz 1029.

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