Impact of Body Weight on Periodontitis
Impact of Body Weight on Periodontitis Being overweight or obese has been associated with increased risk of periodontal diseases. Researchers hoping to better understand any causal relationship recently presented their study, “Overweight and Obesity Impact on Periodontitis A Brazilian Birth
Impact of Body Weight on Periodontitis
Being overweight or obese has been associated with increased risk of periodontal diseases. Researchers hoping to better understand any causal relationship recently presented their study, “Overweight and Obesity Impact on Periodontitis: A Brazilian Birth Cohort,” during the 94th General Session & Exhibition of the International Association for Dental Research. In the study, participants were followed from birth through adulthood, with their body composition, periodontal health, and oral hygiene habits periodically assessed.
539 participants were included in the study. Assessments showed that body
weight may affect periodontal health, with overweight subjects experiencing an
11% greater risk, and obese individuals facing a 22% higher risk for adverse
periodontal outcomes, including periodontitis, bleeding on probing, and
clinical attachment loss. Other unhealthy behaviors, the researchers noted,
pushed these noted risks even higher.
Such findings led the researchers to conclude that body weight significantly affects periodontal outcomes. People who are overweight or obese are more likely to experience unfavorable periodontal events. More research on the subject is warranted.
Hygiene Connection E-Newsletter
July 2016