OSAP Announces Latest Corporate Members
The Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP) recently announced its two newest corporate members.
The Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP) recently announced its two newest corporate members: Ansell and Pelton & Crane. Ansell is a global leader in protection solutions headquartered in Iselin, New Jersey, while Charlotte, North Carolina-based Pelton & Crane is the maker of innovative and quality dental equipment. OSAP’s corporate members demonstrate an unwavering commitment to safe dental care.
OSAP represents a community of clinicians, educators, researchers, public health professionals, federal personnel, and industry representatives that advocates for safe and infection-free delivery of oral health care. The organization focuses on improving compliance with safe practices and creating a network of recognized infection control experts. Through its extensive online collection of resources, publications, FAQs, checklists, and toolkits, OSAP supports oral health professionals in delivering the safest dental visit possible for patients.
From Dimensions of Dental Hygiene. January 2017;15(1):11.