Reconnecting Practicing Hygienists with the Nation's Leading Educators and Researchers.

Ambassador Participation

Thank you for agreeing to participate in our student website project. Here is the CONFIDENTIAL link you will use to create your user account: Please DO NOT SHARE this link with anyone until the site has launched at which time the URL will change to

  • If you are currently a student, please select the Account Type of ‘student’ upon registering.
  • If you are currently an educator at a school or university, please select the Account Type of ‘educator’ upon registering.
  • All others please select “Member.”

If you already have an account on our current student website, simply log in with your previous credentials (or reset your password if needed).

We ask that you complete tasks such as…

  • Fill out your personal profile.
  • Make a post on your personal timeline.
  • Ask questions or make posts in the forums.
  • Respond to forum posts/questions.
  • Join the Friends of Sunstar group.
  • Join the Friends of Dimensions group.
  • Join other appropriate groups and introduce yourself (for example, if you graduated in 2020, you could join the 2020 Grads group and introduce yourself).

You can submit your activities for points in the brand ambassador portal.

If anything on the site appears to be glitching or not working properly, please reach out to so we can get all the kinks squared away before the website goes live.

Thank you again for your participation!

-The Brand Ambassador Team

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