Llama Goes on the Run to Avoid Dental Care
Well, it turns out that humans aren’t the only ones with dental anxiety. Recently, a llama in Maine went on the lam in a desperate attempt to avoid getting a prophylaxis. After a tour of the Bangor neighborhood, the llama returned home safely on his own accord but it’s unclear whether the dental appointment was able to move forward or if he had to reschedule.
A llama named Jeffrey escaped from his enclosure in Bangor, Maine, during a dental check-up attempt. Owner Rina Pesner opened the gate for a veterinarian, and Jeffrey seized the chance to bolt up the road. He was eventually reported by locals, prompting animal control to respond. The Bangor Police humorously speculated on Facebook that Jeffrey was embarrassed his brushing and flossing regimen was not up to par. Fortunately, Jeffrey returned home on his own shortly before animal control arrived, though he took a different route back. This was the first escape from Pesner’s farm since reinforcing the fences 2 years ago. Click here to read more.